Online-Therapy Services – Help when you need it

Online-Therapy Services –

Counselling Help When You Need It

Who doesn’t have issues hey? Nobody is perfect. However, when they get in the way of us living a fulfilled life is when we realise we need to do something about it.  As humans, we all have something that we could use a little help to overcome. Maybe it’s something from your childhood that’s still affecting you in your adult life. If you are struggling with personal issues that are impacting your life, it might be time for you to consider speaking with someone about what’s going on. Thanks to the progress of technology and convenience of the internet, we can have everything at our fingertips, including help when you need it.

There are a lot of counsellors, therapists, psychologists out there and for good reason. Talking with a trained professional who can help you work through your problems requires specialized knowledge. You wouldn’t get your car fixed by a baker would you? Or how about have your broken leg treated by a computer programmer? Unless they have also trained professionally as a doctor or mechanic as mentioned above. You would only see someone who knows how to work with you on the issues you’re struggling when you need itAlthough having good support around you is valuable and essential, sometimes family and friends don’t understand or know how to support you. They aren’t necessarily trained in this area, so the support they have can be limited. You can teach them how to support you once you’ve received professional help and show them what you need from them.

Talking with a professional counsellor/therapist can guide and support you. Here’s more information on this in another post.

The service we will be discussing here in this blog is

Online-Therapy Service

The Online-Therapy Service offers online counselling and therapy from the comfort of your own home. It is a highly effective web based therapy site. This means it utilises the online world where you interact with a real person as well as use tools that give you help when you need it.

help when you need it

Throughout your time with the program, you will communicate with your therapist using the worksheets, live chat and messaging. You are matched with a therapist based on your area of concern, but if you find you don’t feel this is a good match for you, you can request to change therapists.

It is highly accessible and saves you time and the hassle of traffic and parking. All you need is a computer, laptop or mobile phone with access to the internet.

Qualified Professionals

Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo is a licensed clinical psychologist with a Master’s degree in Physical Therapy and a Ph.D. in Psychology.

She has been honored by giving a prestigious TED-x talk and is frequently interviewed by today’s top media outlets including; The Today Show, Dr. Oz, The Steve Harvey Show, Fox News, CNN, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Health, MSNBC, USA Today and National Public Radio.

Dr. Lombardo is also a best-selling author of: “A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness” and “Better Than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love”.

Dr Steven Gans MD. is a board certified psychiatrist affiliated with the McLean Hospital in Belmont Massachusetts. where he leads a team-based approach to the acute management of patients with serious mental illness. He is an active teacher, mentor and supervisor at the Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Adult Psychiatry Residency Training Program and in their Program in Psychodynamics (PIP).

Dr Barbara Musgrove PhD – is a licensed clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. in psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her therapeutic approach for personal change is based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She also uses techniques captured by mindfulness and client-centered therapy.

Therapists – All professionals who work with are highly qualified caring professionals with a wide range of credentials. They also possess a wide range of credentials and many hours of applied experience.

With a wealth of experienced and caring professionals it’s reassuring to know you can work through your areas of concern with lasting outcomes.

Areas of Concern – Categories

Whatever the issue you are struggling with Online-Therapy have got you covered. Here’s a list of the categories you can receive support and work through.

AddictionDepressionPTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
AgoraphobiaGAD - Generalised Anxiety DisorderRelationships
AngerHealth AnxietySocial Anxiety
AnxietyInsomniaSpeech Anxiety
BipolarOCD - Obsessive Compulsive DisorderStress
BPD - Borderline Personality DisorderPanic AttacksWeight Problems

Who can use it

IIt is available internationally. For those of you outside the US, simply click on the About Section, click on the Find a Therapist tab and see if there is one in your country.

It is ideal for anyone, but in particular:

  • Those who struggle to get out of the house, for instance if you have mobility issues due to health or differently abled.
  • Anxiety issues that make it hard for you to leave the house.
  • Don’t have access to transport to get you to a face to face counselling service in your area.
  • Live in a remote location so there aren’t any counselling services available in your area.
  • Too busy and unable to find time during the day when services are usually open.
  • Its convenient to access from the comfort of your own home.
  • You have increased accessibility to your therapist through text messages and email.
  • Takes away the stigma of walking into a therapy office.

How does it work?

The therapy offered through Online-Therapy Services uses a widely known and highly effective therapeutic approach called Cognitive Behavior Therapy, otherwise known as CBT.

CBT helps you identify and challenge your dysfunctional thoughts, behaviours and actions to help you create positive changes in your life.

Upon enrolling, you are matched with a therapist based on your area of concern.

It offers a complete tool box for you to work through. There are 8 sections that help you work through your concerns. See below.

As it’s an online program, you will be communicating with your therapist through the worksheets, live chats and text messaging. The Sections will guide you using video, audio and reading material and practical activities.

To get started, the process is simple:

  • Select one or more areas of concern that you want to work on.
  • Create an account within the private and secure platform.
  • Choose a plan that is right for you (20% for the first month when you click on the link below).
  • Get instant access to your online therapy program, Communicate with your therapist through live chat and messages.
  • Engage in the worksheets, live chats, sections, journal, activity plan, and yoga and soon you’ll start to feel better.

help when you need it

Confidentiality and Privacy

You can rest assured that your confidentiality and privacy is maintained at all times. All information you share is anonymously saved on their secure server which remains there for maximum 2 years. Earlier if you request it. Only you and your therapist can access this information.


If you choose to, you can remain anonymous. This includes not having to be seen going in to an office. You can also choose whether to provide your own name or use an alias or nickname that your therapist can refer to you by. You can also choose another nickname for the online forums too.


There is a range of price points to suit your budget and needs.

help when you need it

Upon Completion

When you complete your work with the program you can request a certificate of completion which will be emailed to you.

Success Stories

Those who have overcome their personal struggles through this program say:

I’m not going to list all of the reviews here. Feel free to go directly to the web site to see for yourself how others have found this effective for them. Some find it took some adjusting to doing the program online. However, they also found once they became familiar with it, they were able to benefit and move forward.

Long Lasting Outcomes

Through actively engaging in the program and applying your new learnings, CBT has the capacity to provide long term results.

CBT has a proven track record through years of scientific research. Online therapy is just as effective as face to face work. Doing it online also allows you to have the worksheets available for you to review without relying solely on your memory. Plus using a journal, reinforces your learning helping you shift your thought patterns and develop new ways to look at things.

Who it isn’t for

If you experience complex mental health issues, it might be more effective for you to engage in face to face therapy due to the challenges complex mental illness can be to live with and manage.

If you are at risk of suicide or hurting yourself or someone else in anyway, seek support from your local helpline and work on a safety plan. In Australia a great safety plan can be developed through the Beyond Blue App Beyond Now. 

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, keep yourself safe and contact a helpline in your country. Here is a list of International Helplines if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts.

help when you need it

Final Words

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, then nothing will change. Whereas if you tackle and face your problems directly you have an increased chance of making valuable improvements in your life.  By actively engaging with the activities and worksheets there is high likelihood that you can make the changes necessary to develop new ways of approaching your life with your newly developed tools. For your 20% discount, click on the button below.


Namaste dear Heart Mindfully friends




20 Replies to “Online-Therapy Services – Help when you need it”

  1. Thank you for your comprehensive write out on online therapy services.

    Very seldom do I come across on review on therapy services and I personally am glad to come across your post.

    As stresses of daily life gets into everyone’s routine,  not everyone can handle the after effect caused by the stresses in life.  Online therapy seemed to be a good way to seek help even when you are in need for just a morale boost.

    What is great is that you do not have to travel far just to seek some help which may benefit you for a long run. 

    I believe such services will get more popular as people may want to avoid the stigma of physically going for therapy.

    Once again, thank you for sharing such services to us.  Looking forward to your next review post.

  2. I loved coming across something that helps people. This is positive, and nobody is perfect. We are all human, we all have problems that some people cant even understand and some people experience trauma that need help with and sometimes professional help. My experience is at a young age I was exposed to trauma having both my parents pass away very close together and life was not easy after that as we look to our parents for guidance, love and comfort. My opinion on the topic is that your information is more that helpful and I hope it helps people because like I say we all deserve happiness and everyone deserves to be loved. Everyone deserves to be heard and your support I am sure is more than appreciated. 

  3. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for this excellent article about online therapy service. First time I have heard about online therapy service but I love the concept. I was a health carer in 8  years for senior people. I have seen many very closely who was suffering anxiety, stress or different type of psychological problem and most of them had mobility problem as well. And it was hard when they need to go out to see a doctor. I think this service will help definitely those type of people as well as all those who want a very quick medical consulting service.

  4. Dear Kat,

    Thanks a lot for the insightful and informative article.

    Previously although we know there are specialists and best doctors for our problem due to several reasons, we can’t travel or afford it. Online therapy and counseling from the comfort of our home are amazing. As you mentioned this is going to be a greater help for many all around the globe and thanks to the technology.

    Thanks for sharing about the details on the Qualified Professionals so we know with whom we are dealing with, they all have a great reputation and knowledge.

    Category lists almost cover everything. I can tell you I have taken some great insights from your helpful article.

    Much Success!


    1. Hi Paul, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, the value of online therapy from the comfort of our own home is immeasurable for so many people. 

  5. I really enjoyed your on-line therapy article. I didn’t know this kind of service was even available. I believe this could be a wonderful addition to regular therapy.

     I know my granddaughter sure could use this service when she can’t make it to her regular therapist or it’s after office hours. She does well with the computer and I believe this service would help her come out of her shell a lot more then her regular therapy, because she doesn’t like to be seen going into the office. She thinks people look down on her for being there.  

    I see you have weekly pricing. Can you please tell me if there is a minimum amount of time she must sign up for? Example: 1 month. or can she just use the service every now and then as needed?

    What a wonderful idea. Thanks for this article. Ill be talking to my granddaughter soon about it.

    1. Hi Lynne, this service is available for anyone over the age of 18yrs. I don’t believe there is a minimum contract for how long one accesses the service. My understanding is you can stop when you feel you want to or are ready to.  I hope your granddaughter can find this helpful and relevant for her needs. ~kat

  6. I have never done therapy before and I am really thinking about trying it out because I have some childhood issues that is still affecting the way I live my life. Online therapy section seems a bit weird because the person is not physically present with you but I guess that is a flaw that one can look past. I am looking forward to trying this out and really hope it is able to help me with some of my issues.

    1. Hi Jay, doing therapy online can take some adjustments for some people if they come from the familiarity of face to face therapy, however as so many things are online, this is a natural transition and can have many benefits. It might take some adjustments for some people. ~kat

  7. Thanks for this summary of easy options that are available to everyone. My own solution is to go outside and watch some birds when I’m feeling down!

  8. Hi, Kat.
    Thanks for your article on Online Therapy Services.
    The panel of qualified professionals is impressive as one can have direct access to these people for a week. The categories on which the help can be taken includes almost all areas require immediate mental attention.
    The method of interaction is too easy and practical. I can definitely recommend it to the needy person. There are many people in my circle who can make a use of it. Thanks for the information.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

    1. Hi there Gaurav, yes, this can be very helpful for many people who might be struggling with issues they need help with. Being online it has immense value. All the best ~kat

  9. Access to a psychiatric clinic and a therapist can sometimes be impossible. While at least one meeting with the therapist may have very positive effects and changes on one’s life. Like many other online services in the world today, online therapy has been a boon to today’s human community, and it’s a place of appreciation. I am personally grateful that you provide this valuable information and help people who are suffering from Psychological and mental issues.Your motivation, efforts and intentions are commendable.

    1. Hi Shirian, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope to share with others the value of online mental health support so they know there are options for help. ~kat

  10. I hadn’t realized that online therapy was even available but I can say it’s clearly much needed. Especially today where there is such a growing problem of mental illness that is prevalent in our society today. It’s gone unaddressed for far too long. This is a desperately needed service.

    1. H Anne, I agree, it’s certainly valuable and needed to help address the increasing mental illness in our society. Let’s hope those who need it access it. Being online and private will hopefully help others feel comfortable with this kind of service. ~kat

  11. Hi Kat, so many people can be helped more quickly and more effectively this way. thank you for sharing this and spreading this word. Having a counsellor available to you at the click of a button in this era of online communication is going to change lives.

    Thanks so much for sharing this.
    Love Nanda

    1. Hi Nanda, thanks for stopping by. Yes, I’m hoping people can find this service and use it to their advantage to help with processing negative and unhelpful thoughts that impact so much. Blessings ~kat

  12. Hi Kat,
    I found this an in-depth helpful resource.
    I love Dr Elizabeth Lombardo’s books: “A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness” and “Better Than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love”. These are my favorites.
    Thanks for proving a list of: International Suicide Hotlines.

    1. Hi RJ, Thanks for sharing how much you enjoy Dr Elizabeth Lombardo’s books. They certainly are valuable reads and help for finding happiness and managing one’s inner critic. ~kat

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